
In the world of web3, don’t forget the people

web2.5 + web3

In the pursuit of fast advancements in technology, the people have been left behind.

This is why we believe that web2.5 projects are the key to bringing the masses to web3.

Web2.5 not only opens up more user-friendly options for crypto adoption but also opens more opportunities from a diversified investor network.

round leaders

We want to work with the people which is why we lead rounds.

Whether it’s an early-stage web3 or web2.5 company, we want to take a hands-on approach to investment.

Our focus is in the North American and ASEAN regions because these are the markets our team knows inside and out.

We’re focused on results.

community builders

At our core, we’re community builders. We know that it’s the people that are actively engaged in web3 that are responsible for driving value in tokenomics,

We leverage the force of the communities built from our social reach and events to support our portfolio’s growth through tokens.

In our industry, without a community, there is no company - so community matters.

Synergies for success

With our people-centric thesis, we believe in driving value through community and partnerships: each arm of the tb ecosystem delivers and receives value from the others, rapidly amplifying the network benefits for the entire community.

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